OpenRail Designer Help

Labeling Sheets

Labeling Cross Section Sheets

Process to label cross section sheets is as given below.

  1. Open Text Favorite Manager and create a new text favorite. This can be done inside your sheet seed or an available DGNlib.
  2. Field Type = Civil Element Properties
  3. Sub File Type = Annotation > Cross Section > Cross Section Annotation
  4. Select Sheet and view the available options
  5. Build a text favorite using any of the available options and format it any way you see fit (all on one-line or separate lines, using prefixes or not, appended together or separate, etc.), but note that Sheet Minimum Station and Sheet Maximum Station must be used to define the starting and ending stations on any particular sheet.
  6. Open your sheet seed.
  7. Open the Text Editor.
  8. Use the Insert Favorite drop-down to select the Text Favorite that was previously created and place it at the desired location on the sheet seed.
  9. Process your sheets and the embedded text favorite will be filled out appropriate.

Labeling Double-Plan Sheets

Process to label double-plan sheet is as given below.

  1. Open Text Favorite Manager and create a new text favorite. This can be done inside your sheet seed or an available DGNlib.
  2. Field Type = Civil Element Properties.
  3. Sub File Type = Annotation > Linear > Plan Annotation.
  4. Select Sheet and view the available options.
  5. Build a text favorite using any of the available options and format it any way you see fit (all on one-line or separate lines, using prefixes or not, appended together or separate, etc.), but note that Sheet Minimum Station and Sheet Maximum Station must be used to define the starting and ending stations on any sheet.
  6. Open your sheet seed.
  7. Open the Text Editor.
  8. Use the Insert Favorite drop-down to select the Text Favorite that was previously created and place it at the desired location on the sheet seed.
  9. Process your sheets and the embedded text favorite will be filled out appropriate.

Labeling Plan-Profile Sheets

Process to label plan-profile sheet is as given below.

  1. Open Text Favorite Manager and create a new text favorite. This can be done inside your sheet seed or an available DGNlib.
  2. Field Type = Civil Element Properties
  3. Sub File Type = Annotation > Profile > Profile Annotation
  4. Select Sheet and view the available options.
  5. Build a text favorite using any of the available options and format it any way you see fit (all on one-line or separate lines, using prefixes or not, appended together or separate, etc.), but note that Sheet Minimum Station and Sheet Maximum Station must be used to define the starting and ending stations on any sheet.
  6. Open your sheet seed.
  7. Open the Text Editor.
  8. Use the Insert Favorite drop-down to select the Text Favorite that was previously created and place it at the desired location on the sheet seed.
  9. Process your sheets and the embedded text favorite will be filled out appropriate.